August 28, 1943

A letter written on Rosie’s behalf by a truck driver in Vught

August 28, 1943 a

To: H. Coljee and Family
Bollenlaan 6 Naarden

As you may already have heard, parcels are no longer being accepted in Vught. I’m just letting you know, so that you won’t send any, otherwise their contents will be distributed among the SS.

You may be surprised at how I managed to get your address. Let me tell you how this works.

I am a driver and I deliver to Vught where I spoke with Rosie Glaser. She asked me to write to you to ask to send a parcel to her. Please give it to me before Tuesday evening and I will bring it with me to Vught on Wednesday. My address is Hemonystraat 28, third floor, Amsterdam (South)

A.G. de Bruyn

And Rosie Glaser sends her warm regards